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Re: Slipknot - The End, So Far (30 Septiembre)
Corey está espectacular en Liberate, misma energía o más que un concierto
17:21 Eyeless
23:39 Liberate
30:57 Purity
17:21 Eyeless
23:39 Liberate
30:57 Purity
Re: Slipknot - The End, So Far (30 Septiembre)
El drum solo de Eloy es una auténtica gozada, a partir del 16:20
Re: Slipknot - The End, So Far (30 Septiembre)
Re: Slipknot - The End, So Far (30 Septiembre)
VAMOS!!! (tendré el disco 4 veces ya con esta edición

Speaking with Metal Hammer, Crahan spilled the beans on what’s set to be featured on this likely definitive release of the landmark album. He stated:
He continued:

Speaking with Metal Hammer, Crahan spilled the beans on what’s set to be featured on this likely definitive release of the landmark album. He stated:
“I’m fully involved with putting together a reissue package, because I’m the band caretaker. I’m the one that held everything over the years: all the DAT tapes from the [sound]board from all our first shows, all the videotapes from studio sessions at SR Audio and Indigo Ranch, different test mixes that we gave to other people that we said ‘No’ to at that time and that were never released, but are amazing.
They would never have been listened to 25 years ago, but now that the golden egg has been laid, and everyone knows it, you’re not going to listen to another mix and go, ‘This is better’, you’re just gonna go, ‘Wow, this is Slipknot like this, 25 years ago.’”
He continued:
“There’s new artwork, new photos from the time, there’s so much music that’s so punk rock from board tapes, there’s video documents, there’s a lot – audio, visuals, everything. It’s the best of all things Slipknot.”
Re: Slipknot - The End, So Far (30 Septiembre)
Los chiquis de Vended acaban de estrenar álbum. Le da un buen repaso al último de Slipknot.
Re: Slipknot - The End, So Far (30 Septiembre)
RockMen_94 escribió:Los chiquis de Vended acaban de estrenar álbum. Le da un buen repaso al último de Slipknot.
Habrá que escucharlo pues aunque también te digo que no es difícil. El peor disco de Slipknot con diferencia IMO.
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