Me acabo de enterar del fallecimiento de su batería Reed Mullin: ... onformity/
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Corrosion Of Conformity - No Cross No Crown (12 Enero 2018)
Moderadores: zegers, fear57, Jason, Gorka
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Re: Corrosion Of Conformity - No Cross No Crown (12 Enero 20
Sonando America's Volume Dealer en su honor
Re: Corrosion Of Conformity - No Cross No Crown (12 Enero 20
Mala noticia: Mike Dean, bajista y miembro fundador de COC, deja la banda.
Buena noticia: Parece que el año que viene habrá nuevo disco.
Buena noticia: Parece que el año que viene habrá nuevo disco.
This is from our brother, Mike Dean:
“Recently I made a decision to step away from Corrosion Of Conformity, a band started
40 odd years ago by Reed Mullin, Woody Weatherman, and myself.
I’m extremely proud of everything we’ve done together, and look forward to hearing
more from the band going forward.
When I rejoined COC for the finishing touches of the “Deliverance” album, I moved back
to Raleigh, NC for an all-in creative campaign, but time, distance and side projects and
life in general has changed all of that.
Ever since Reed drifted away from the band and then passed way, it’s been difficult for
me to collaborate on new material with bandmates who live hundreds of miles away.
I look forward to putting together a new Raleigh based outlet to create new music with
more alacrity and with more of an emphasis on my own ideas than in recent times.
Also, I look forward to continuing to record and produce other artists.
All the best to Woodroe, Pepper, and COC crew, and most importantly, many big thanks
to the fans of all iterations of the band, who have made this real for all of these years.
Mike Dean
PS Stay tuned here for links and more information”
We, Woodroe and Pepper, are in full support of Dean’s future endeavors and wish him all the best in the quest. Thankful for the music made and (R)evolutionary paths created.
That being said, this book of Corrosion is not finished, nor will the train stop. The opportunity to play music and create is something that we don’t take lightly, and we will not waver. New COC recording is well underway and will be released in 2025.
Much love and respect to all the free thinkin’ beer drinkin’ friends and fans worldwide, looking to making more. Without you, we are just growing deaf in a garage.
See you on the horizon.
Stay tuned, stay heavy.
Corrosion of Conformity
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